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Salt Flat Trading

Labradorite One Side Polished

Labradorite One Side Polished

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Labradorite is a mixture of two chemically related but slightly different feldspars: albite containing sodium and anorthite containing calcium. Alternating layers of albite and anorthite start to develop as labradorite cools.  Light can reflect off and between them, producing an iridescent play of color.

Natives of Canada believed that labradorite helped them communicate with supernatural forces.

Known as the "Stone of Magic" it is believed to awaken your inner magic and specializes in increasing your spiritual ability. Known for its physical, mental, and emotional healing properties. It is very strong in healing respiratory issues. Mentally, it helps restore energy, clear the brain, lighten your mood when you are depressed, and motivate you.



Country of Origin



3 cm to 4 cm each

38 g / 1.3 oz


Third Eye





Care information

Most gemstones can be cleaned with water and mild detergent. Use a soft cloth or soft brush such as a baby brush or toothbrush with soft bristles to scrub them if necessary. Avoid scrubbing too hard and scratching the stone. Rinse and dry the stone with a soft, lint-free cloth. To add shine we suggest using a food grade silicone spray and buffing with a lint free cloth.

All of our gems and crystals are natural stone and may therefore have imperfections, blemishes, and variations. Please examine the product pictures carefully before making your purchase. Crystals and gems are in no way guaranteed to help, promote, heal, or cure any ailment either physical, mental, or spiritual. Healing powers listed are strictly anecdotal.

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Atoms & Ions

Crystals are made up of atoms or ions arranged in a definite order and a definite structure. But how you arrange your crystals is all up to you!

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